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Popular flowers and their meanings: How to send a message with a floral gift

Copyright Source: Yueke Fri, Jul 12, 2024

PHOTO: Yueke

**Popular Flowers and Their Meanings: How to Send a Message with a Floral Gift**

Each flower you choose to gift or plant outside your home carries a unique meaning.

Understanding the symbolism behind flowers can guide you in selecting the perfect floral gift for occasions such as birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, or simply to brighten someone's day.

Flowers can convey specific messages to others and serve as meaningful reminders when planted in your garden.

In modern times, flower meanings are often considered during wedding planning. Couples may select flowers for their special day based on their symbolic meanings. For instance, baby's breath symbolizes "everlasting love."

During the Victorian era, flowers were used to communicate unspoken messages, as noted by the Old Farmer's Almanac. They expressed emotions and intentions based on their meanings. For example, handing flowers with the right hand signified "yes," while using the left hand meant "no."

The presentation of flowers also held significance. Delivering flowers upside down conveyed a message opposite to the flower's traditional meaning, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.

Flowers can also be categorized by color. For example, a red rose is commonly associated with love, making it a popular choice for Valentine's Day or anniversaries.

Below is a selection of popular flowers and their meanings:


 Baby's Breath




Asters are relatively easy to grow, making them a favorite among beginner gardeners. They come in various vibrant colors, including white, blue, and pink, making them ideal for a lively bouquet. According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, asters symbolize love and are named after the Greek word for "star," reflecting their star-like shape. Asters are also one of the birth flowers for September.

Baby's breath is a delicate yet beautiful flower that enhances any garden. While it often plays a supporting role in bouquets, its beauty is undeniable. Typically found in white, it can also be seen in pink. Baby's breath symbolizes "everlasting love," according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.

Unlike the subtle baby's breath, lilies are prominent flowers that often take center stage in bouquets and gardens. As perennials, they return each spring from their bulbs. Lilies have various meanings depending on their type. For example, white lilies represent "virginity," "purity," and "heavenly," while orange lilies symbolize "hatred." The bold orange tiger lily signifies wealth and pride, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.

Carnations are a popular choice for Mother's Day, symbolizing "fascination," "female love," and "mother's love," as noted by the Old Farmer's Almanac. These affordable and colorful flowers come in shades like pink, yellow, white, and purple, making them versatile for any occasion.

Daisies are available in various colors, such as white, yellow, and pink. They are often associated with innocence and love. In the Victorian era, daisies also symbolized the ability to keep a secret, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac. These adaptable flowers thrive in different climates, as highlighted by Better Homes and Gardens.

NEXT: How gardeners can find that tricky balance between lawn and not-lawn
In the world of lawn care, a strict, all-or-nothing approach is often not practical and can discourage many people. However, in gardening, embracing the nuances of gray can be the key to a vibrant and sustainable green space. Consider the lawn itself. Is it really necessary to let your entire property become a weed-infested meadow for an entire month? Of course not. But allowing nature to take its course in a small section of your yard can provide habitat for birds and the pollinators we rely on. Should we tear out all our non-native plants and replace them with native species? While that would be ideal, if it's not feasible, removing invasive plants and incorporating native species can benefit wildlife and enhance the sustainability of your garden. And then there's the issue of maintenance. Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and gas-powered lawn equipment contribute to air and groundwater pollution, and they offer little ecological value in terms of food and shelter for pollinators and other beneficial insects. In 2005, NASA satellite data revealed that over 40 million acres of the continental U.S. are covered in lawn, which is three times the area dedicated to corn crops. This figure is still referenced today. "An individual quarter-acre lawn may not have a significant ecological impact, but when you consider all the lawns in the country, the collective impact could be substantial," NASA researcher Cristina Milesi noted at the time. However, it's unrealistic to expect everyone to abandon their lawns entirely. Instead, let's discuss sustainable ways to care for them. Mindful Lawn Care If you have a large lawn, consider replacing part of it with alternative groundcovers, like clover or a mix of wildflowers. Next, establish a thoughtful maintenance routine. Adapt to your local climate. Research different types of turf grass and choose ones that thrive in your region. Aerate the soil and seed it in two directions. Water daily to keep the seeds moist—don't let them dry out at any point, or you may need to start over. Seed weekly and keep the soil lightly moist until the grass fills in densely, which will naturally crowd out weeds. Once the grass reaches 3 inches in height, you can begin mowing. For smaller lawns, use a push mower instead of a gas-powered model. For larger areas, consider a solar-powered mower. You'll reap financial and ecological benefits. Regardless of the mower type, keep the blades sharp for clean cuts that heal quickly, preventing insects and diseases from taking advantage of your grass while it recovers. Most turf grasses thrive best when kept at around 3 inches tall. Learn the recommended height for your specific grass species and adjust your mower settings accordingly. Never remove more than one-third of the grass height in a single session. The trio of lawn issues—weeds, insect infestations, and diseases—are more likely to appear when lawns are not properly cared for. Thus, it's crucial to focus on soil and grass health from the ground up. Maintain the soil pH. Most turf grasses prefer a pH range of 6.3 to 6.8. If your soil is below this range, apply lime in the amount recommended on the package. If the pH is above this range, use sulfur to lower it. Always test the soil first to determine if adjustment is necessary. Water, Fertilizer, and Pesticides A robust root system will sustain your lawn through hot, dry spells, allowing it to access water from a larger underground area. Encourage this by providing less frequent but deeper watering sessions. Shallow, daily watering only moistens the soil surface, offering no incentive for roots to grow deeper in search of moisture. Most grasses need about 1.5 inches of water per week, including natural rainfall. Adjust irrigation based on this. Understand that cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, rye, and fescues go dormant during the summer. Warm-season species like Bermuda, St. Augustine, and Zoysia grasses go dormant over winter. It's normal for them to turn brown during their dormant periods. Allow them to do so. Personally, I don't fertilize my lawn or use synthetic pesticides in my garden. I maintain a small lawn to define my perennial beds and allow common turf grass weeds to flourish. Once mowed, it all appears green to me. If that seems too extreme for you, consider using grass clippings as mulch. As they decompose, they provide a free, natural source of nitrogen that won't risk contaminating groundwater or fertilizing plants at the water table, upsetting the natural plant and wildlife hierarchy. If your mower doesn't mulch, remove the bag and mow over the clippings to chop them, then spread them over the lawn rather than sending them to a landfill. If you do choose to fertilize, opt for a slow-release product and follow the recommended dosage on the package. Lawns can't utilize more than the recommended amount, so any excess may leach and lead to salt buildup, altering soil chemistry and increasing thatch. It's also a waste of money. Using pesticides to control pests can also kill the beneficial insects that help maintain a healthy lawn. Earthworms, ground beetles, ladybugs, and praying mantids, among others, are natural predators of harmful pests, aerate the soil, and aid in decomposition, enriching the soil. If you have a particularly stubborn weed issue and feel you must use herbicides, apply them carefully on a windless day to prevent drift. Finally, accept that perfection is unattainable. It's better to focus on what works for your specific situation. Copyright Source: Yueke

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