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[Recipes] Mary Berry's 'perfect' one-pot chicken stew recipe is an easy winner for a quick dinner

Copyright Source: Yueke Fri, Jun 28, 2024

PHOTO: Yueke

This hearty meal is perfect for busy days.

Most of us don't want to spend more time than we have to in the kitchen, especially when we all lead busy lives that mean we have a hundred other things we'd rather be doing than making dinner. But thankfully, if you have a busy Saturday ahead of you, or you're looking to plan a tasty midweek meal for next week, Mary Berry has you covered with a quick and easy one-pot fricassee.

The former Great British Bake Off judge said she makes the tasty chicken stew as a "midweek supper," and it can be made up to one day in advance, meaning you could make it this weekend to kickstart your week. What's more, it only takes 20 minutes to prepare and can be slowly cooked in the oven.

Mary shared her recipe in her cookbook, and said: "We often have friends round for a midweek supper and this is a perfect dish to make ahead. We like chicken thighs, skinned but left on the bone for full flavour, but you could also use skinned chicken breasts."


You will also need a frying pan with a lid or an ovenproof casserole dish to prepare the dish.


First, preheat the oven to 160C, or gas mark 3. Then, start by cutting the onions into wedges, slicing the fennel bulbs into thick slices, and chopping the tarragon. Set all this to one side and add oil to your pan and heat it until hot, before seasoning your chicken with salt and pepper and searing it quickly in the pan.

Remove the chicken from the pan and set it to one side. Add the onions and fennel to the pan and cook for roughly five minutes, stirring occasionally so the vegetables cook evenly. Pour in the sherry and let it boil on a high heat until the liquid has reduced by half, then pour in the chicken stock and return the chicken to the pan.

Bring the mixture to a boil, cover the pan with a lid, and then transfer it to the oven. Cook the mixture for 45 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked and tender. If you're using chicken breasts instead, it'll only take around 30 minutes. Two minutes before the mixture comes out of the oven, add the cornflour in a small bowl with a little cold water and stir until you have a smooth paste.

Transfer the pan with the stew mixture back onto the hob, then stir in the creme fraiche and then add the cornflour paste. Stir on a high heat until the sauce has thickened. Add in the tarragon, sugar, and lemon juice, then season once again to preference.

NEXT: Mediterranean diet or not, eating seasonally can be good for you
Mediterranean Diet or Not, Eating Seasonally Can Be Good for You As peak summer approaches in Sicily, Anna Fiannaca prefers the peppers, eggplants, and zucchini her brothers grow over the packaged food in the supermarket. The 89-year-old cooks everything from scratch and eats mostly vegetarian. She attributes much of her continued good health to adjusting her diet to what is most available throughout the year. “It was just the way of life in Sicily, taking whatever the seasons will give you,” said Fiannaca, who lives near Agrigento. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is one of many aspects of a healthy diet. It also includes an abundance of nuts, legumes, beans, and healthy fat from olive oil and fish. But nutrition experts say no matter where you are, buying in-season produce is an easy step toward better eating habits. “Seasonal eating is kind of a pathway to build a broader diet variety,” said Sharon Gray, a registered dietician who supervises the University of Connecticut’s community nutrition program. Why is Seasonal Eating Better for You? Consuming a high variety of fruits and vegetables is an effective way to lower the risk of heart disease, obesity, and other ailments. Choosing whatever is most abundant in the market each month is a good way to start, said Gray, who offers healthy cooking workshops to low-income Hartford residents. In New England, the seasonal produce ranges from berries in the summer to root vegetables in the winter. All are high in antioxidants and fiber, and provide a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates. It helps that in-season produce tastes better. “A lot of adults don’t like a lot of fruits and vegetables, so if you can get them to like something, then they build it into their diet,” she said. “That is moving people away from processed food to preparing more food at home.” Eating seasonally often also means eating locally, said Julia Zumpano, a registered dietician at the Cleveland Clinic, specializing in disease prevention and management. Besides the environmental benefits, local produce generally has more nutrients because it has naturally ripened and is consumed soon after being picked. “You’re going to maximize your vitamins and minerals in there, the polyphenols and antioxidants that are the foundations of how we decrease the risk of disease,” Zumpano said. How Do You Get Started? Changing your diet requires a bit of an open mind, said Sean Heffron, a cardiologist at the Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease at NYU Langone Heart. He counsels patients to look beyond the broccoli, onions, and other vegetables that are available year-round. “Open yourself up to, ‘Oh, now I see a lot of squash or peaches or artichokes,’” Heffron said. “It will expose you to more, and make you willing to try and eat more fruits and vegetables in general.” Gray noted that farmers' markets, many of which now accept food benefit programs, have become more widespread. But she also recommended shopping at regional grocery chains, which may be more likely than national retailers to offer local produce. She tells people to look at fliers and signs in the store to see what is on sale, which is usually an indicator of seasonal abundance. Besides saving money, it allows people to buy pricey items like berries that can be frozen for later use. Zumpano suggested signing up for a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, which delivers a box of produce that changes with the season. “You don’t get to pick and it just comes every week,” she said. “I usually have to purchase additional food, but I can use that as a great foundation.” Experts caution that eating seasonally isn’t a cure-all, and some studies have found people in colder climates suffer from nutritional deficiencies in the winter. That means you should still continue to buy leafy greens and other vegetables all year. “We need seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day,” Zumpano said. “Ninety percent of us don’t eat enough of them.” ___ Albert Stumm writes about food, travel, and wellness. Find his work at https://www.albertstumm.com

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