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Cat Toe Tufts: A Comprehensive Guide

Copyright Source: Yueke Wed, May 15, 2024

PHOTO: Yueke

Cats have many physical characteristics that make them so adorable. Whether it’s their expressive eyes, the wisps of fur on their ear tips, or tufts of toe fur, there’s no shortage of features your cat can sport that’ll make them unique.
Today, we’re going to delve deep into toe tufts to educate you on what they are, why your cat has them, which cats have them, and whether you need to keep them trimmed.
Toe tufts (sometimes called toe floofs) are bits of fur that grow between the cat’s toes. This growth is commonly found on cats with medium to long-length coats. To be considered true toe tufts, the fur should extend beyond the paw pads.
Toe tufts serve two important purposes (we think): to help with traction and protection. Before we move on, let’s just quickly note that there isn’t a lot of scientific research out there regarding toe floofs in cats. While they may have served the protective services in wild cats, our domestic, indoor felines don’t really need them, so we’ll just have to extrapolate purposes from wild counterparts. With in in mind, here you go:
Just like the hair on the rest of their body, long hairs between a cat’s toes help to protect their feet. This can be protection from either cold or harsh surfaces that may cause abrasions to the paw pads. Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats have these wisps of fur to help them stay warm and traverse the snowy terrain the regions they originated from are known for. Think of the tufts as built-in snowshoes!
Toe tufts can also act like a pair of sneakers on some slippery surfaces. Again, think of cold environments where ice and snow may reign. Having a little extra traction on slippery surfaces could definitely be of benefit. As you may notice, this doesn’t always equate to slippery flooring, and toe tufts can actually make your cat slip and slide a bit more on hardwood.
While all cats (except for hairless varieties) have fur on their paws, not all breeds will have tufts between their toes.  The following is a list of breeds that are more likely to sport this adorable wisp of fur. It just so happens that these breeds also tend to have medium to long hair:
There isn’t a clear “yes” or “no” answer to this question, as it depends entirely on your kitty and vet’s recommendations. In most cases, you do not need to trim your pet’s toe tufts. The exception to this rule is if the wisps of fur are causing issues like those below:
You can give the tufts a bit of a trim if it’s gotten too long and is causing your cat discomfort. Sometimes, the fur can tickle, irritating your kitty and forcing them to lick or pull at the hair to find relief. This can become a compulsion and may cause other issues, so if your kitty is licking at their paws a lot because of overgrown toe tuft fur, it’s best to give it a trim.
The long tufts can also become a magnet for kitty litter and dirt. A trim may be necessary if your cat is tracking litter and other debris throughout your home via their toe tufts.
Snow and icy conditions don’t exactly translate to hardwood flooring. If you have hardwood flooring throughout your home, you may notice your cat slipping and sliding on it excessively if their toe tuft fur gets out of control. As cute as it is to watch your cat Tokyo drift around all the corners in your home, not getting traction on the flooring can be a huge safety hazard.
Finally, you can give your toe-tufted kitty a trim if the fur becomes matted. Mats are very painful and can cause skin infections if not addressed.
Toe tufts, especially those getting a smidge too long, can be problematic for some cats. If your kitty is dealing with the issues mentioned above, you can give them a trim. Using a pair of scissors, you can carefully snip the longer hairs until they no longer cover the paw pads. You typically won’t need to go any shorter unless your kitty is getting irritation between their toes. In that case, consult your vet on the best way to treat.
There are other things you can do aside from trimming the tufts to keep your kitty safe:
Carpets aren’t for everyone and can be especially problematic if you have allergies. But carpeting and throw rugs are great anti-slip flooring options for cats with toe tufts that may slide around a bit more than other cats.
If you have tall cat trees or wall-mounted shelves for your cat, jumping onto and off these high places can be problematic for kitties with slippery toe tufts. You might consider adding grippy furnishings, such as a strategically placed chair, to the areas you know they like to launch themselves off or onto to prevent slips and falls.
Toe floofs are more than just an adorable physical characteristic. They serve a very important purpose of protecting their paws from difficult, snowy terrain. While your cat may not be traversing icy ground, they may still sport toe tufts if they’re a medium or long-haired breed.
You don’t need to step in to do any grooming on your kitty’s toe tufts unless they are clearly causing your cat discomfort in some way.
NEXT: Cat Not Eating But Still Purring? Possible Reasons & What to Do
The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. When cats aren’t feeling well, they can exhibit a range of behaviors, including hiding away from the rest of the family and avoiding food. What if your cat is not eating but still behaving normally, such as purring? Does that mean your pet is ill, or is something else going on? There are several reasons your cat could be not eating but still purring, ranging from having an issue with their food to a medical problem. What are those reasons? Here are 11 possible reasons your cat isn’t eating but is still purring and what to do when this happens! One of the more common reasons for a cat to start avoiding their food while still purring and acting normally is because there’s something about the food the cat doesn’t like. You might have recently changed food brands or flavors, but the new one simply doesn’t do it for your pet. Your cat might also have just decided to suddenly be picky about what they’re eating, or your cat’s food might have gone stale. Felines have sharp senses of smell so that they can pick up on small changes in their food, like staleness. This is an easy problem to resolve, though. If food is stale, you can try keeping food in an airtight container or purchasing small bags of food instead of large bags. If you switched food recently, switch back to what your pet liked previously, or if you can’t go back for some reason, try adding a small bit of chicken broth (the low-sodium kind) or one of those cat gravy toppers to the food. The addition of broth or gravy may help if your pet has suddenly become picky, too. Have you ever been in a situation you didn’t enjoy that ended up with you forever associating a song, scent, or food with it and wanting to never hear, smell, or eat that thing again? The same thing can happen with your cat. If your pet has recently had a stay at the hospital or boarding facility, they could end up with food aversion because they associate this food with a negative experience. The simplest solution is to try offering a variety of flavors and textures, if you suspect this may be the case. You know how sometimes, when you get vaccinated for something, you end up feeling kind of lousy the next day or two? Well, that can happen to your cat, as well, and one of the more common vaccination side effects for felines is nausea, which could cause your pet not to eat but still purr like normal. The good news is that any nausea caused by vaccination should vanish in 48 hours or less. However, if your cat still avoids food after that period, contact your pet’s vet, as it may be a sign of an adverse reaction to the vaccination (though this happens rarely). You probably eat lighter when temperatures are extremely high, so wouldn’t it make sense for your cat to do the same? When it’s too hot, chances are good your cat will eat much less than usual. In fact, one study found that felines eat as much as 15% fewer calories during the hotter months. Most likely, cats eat less when it’s hot because they’re expending less energy, so they require fewer calories. There’s not much you can do to convince your cat to eat when it’s hot out, especially if their body doesn’t really need the extra calories. But you can ensure your pet stays hydrated by keeping fresh, clean water available at all times. If your cat is suffering from a minor gastrointestinal issue, they may stop eating but continue to act normally. Of course, if the problem is a major one, your cat will probably not be purring and instead will exhibit symptoms other than simply skipping a meal or two. But if your cat is still purring and not having issues like vomiting, diarrhea, or weight loss, it’s probably just mild stomach upset or irritation. As long as the problem is mild, it should clear up on its own in a day or two, but if symptoms get worse, you should visit your vet. The same holds true for mild dental issues. You probably don’t want to eat much if you have a tooth that’s aching, and your cat doesn’t either! Mild dental problems such as a toothache or loose tooth can cause your cat to avoid eating (especially if they’re being given dry food). If the problem concerns your cat’s teeth, a visit to the vet to find and remedy the issue is advisable. You may also want to speak with your vet about regular teeth cleanings for your feline to avoid further dental trouble. Felines can suffer from colds and allergies just like us, and when they do, there’s a chance they could begin to refuse to eat while continuing to purr and act normally. In this case, food avoidance is likely due to having a stuffy nose; if the cat is congested, they can’t smell food, so they probably won’t want to eat it. When this happens, you can try warming up a bit of wet cat food for them (doing this makes the food smellier). You might also attempt giving them some fish that’s extra smelly. If your cat hasn’t recovered from their cold or allergies after a few days, or if they become lethargic, develop runny eyes, or have a fever, a vet visit is in order. Like with vaccines, certain medications can cause side effects in felines. One common side effect is nausea, which could lead to the cat not eating. Just a few kinds of medicine that can cause stomach upset in cats include antibiotics, medicine for hypertension, pain medicine, and anti-parasitics. If you believe medication is the cause of your cat’s food avoidance, you have a couple of options. If they’re only taking the medicine short-term, it might be best to simply wait it out while trying to encourage your pet to eat (and ensure they’re staying hydrated). But if the medicine needs to be taken long-term, speak with the kitty’s vet to determine if there are other medications your pet could take. It isn’t uncommon for cats to experience stress and anxiety. Felines are big fans of routine, so the most minute changes can create a lot of anxiety for them. And if the cat is stressed, they could stop eating or eat less, even while still purring. What are some causes of stress and anxiety in cats? Losing a family member (human or animal), new furniture in the house, a new home, new animals in the house, new humans in the house, and so much more. The best way to help your cat here is to try to help them deal with the stress they’re experiencing. A cat experiencing pain could definitely stop eating, and if the pain was merely mild, it wouldn’t be unheard of for them to continue purring and acting normally. If your cat is experiencing pain, you’ll probably see other signs of it, though these signs will vary by ailment. A cat who’s limping could have something stuck in the paw, while a feline experiencing a stomach ache might vomit at some point. If you can’t figure out where your pet is experiencing pain, let their vet look at them. This is probably the least common reason a cat would not be eating but would still be purring, but there’s always a chance your pet is in the beginning stages of an illness or disease. Some conditions, even in the early stages, can cause a kitty to have less appetite. These conditions include viral and bacterial infections, diabetes, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). If your cat isn’t feeling well, they’ll likely also be separating themselves from the rest of the family, sleeping more, or even becoming grumpy if disturbed. If other signs appear, it’s time for a visit to the vet. If you have a kitty who’s purring but not eating, there are numerous reasons this could be occurring. Remember, purring can also be a sign of illness, so just because your cat is still purring isn’t always a good thing. Sometimes purring indicates an ill cat, and in many of the above examples, purring may not be so much a happy purr, but one of a cat that equally, does not feel well. So, if you suspect any of the above, carefully monitor your cat, and if they skip more than a meal or two, it is time to speak with your vet!

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