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7 Best Companion Plants to Boost Your Garden’s Productivity

By Madison Johnson Wed, Sep 4, 2024

Gardening is an art that goes beyond simply planting seeds and waiting for them to grow. One of the most effective ways to ensure a flourishing garden is through companion planting. By strategically pairing plants that benefit each other, you can enhance growth, repel pests, and optimize space in your garden. Here are seven excellent plant pairs that will transform your garden into a thriving oasis.

1. Basil and Tomatoes

Basil and tomatoes are a match made in garden heaven. Not only does basil enhance the flavor of tomatoes, but it also helps deter common pests like tomato hornworms and aphids. Plant basil alongside your tomato plants to keep them healthy and improve your harvest. Basil’s aromatic leaves act as a natural repellent, while its proximity to tomatoes ensures they both benefit from each other’s presence.

2. Brassicas and Onions

Brassicas, such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, pair beautifully with onions. Onions help repel pests like cabbage worms and aphids that commonly target brassicas. In return, brassicas provide shade for onions, which can help protect them from bolting. Planting onions around your brassicas creates a protective barrier that keeps pests at bay and promotes a healthier crop.

3. Cucumbers and Radishes

Cucumbers and radishes are a dynamic duo that excels in companion planting. Radishes grow quickly and can help loosen the soil, making it easier for cucumbers to establish their roots. Additionally, radishes act as a natural deterrent for cucumber beetles, which are known to damage cucumber plants. Planting radishes among cucumbers ensures that both crops have the space and conditions they need to thrive.

4. Marigolds and Peppers

Marigolds are not only vibrant and beautiful but also incredibly useful in the garden. When planted near peppers, marigolds help repel aphids and other pests that can harm pepper plants. Their strong scent acts as a natural deterrent, protecting your peppers from unwanted insects. Marigolds also attract beneficial pollinators, which can further enhance the health and productivity of your pepper plants.

5. Peas and Dill

Peas and dill make an excellent pairing in the garden. Peas benefit from the nitrogen-fixing properties of dill, which helps improve soil fertility. In turn, peas provide support for dill as it grows, creating a mutually beneficial relationship. Dill also attracts beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, which prey on pests that might otherwise target your peas.

6. Summer Squash and Radishes

Summer squash and radishes are a productive pair that works well together. Radishes grow quickly and can be harvested before the summer squash plants need more space. This allows you to maximize garden space and enjoy a continuous harvest. Additionally, radishes help keep pests away from summer squash, promoting a healthier and more robust squash crop.

7. Nasturtium and Broccoli

Nasturtiums and broccoli complement each other beautifully in the garden. Nasturtiums act as a trap crop, attracting pests away from broccoli plants. They also release natural compounds that deter aphids and other common garden pests. Broccoli, in turn, benefits from the protection offered by nasturtiums, resulting in healthier and more productive plants.

NEXT: Not Sure What to Plant? Your Ultimate Guide to a Thriving Garden
Starting a garden can feel like trying to assemble furniture without instructions—exciting but also kind of overwhelming. You might be standing in the middle of your backyard (or staring at your tiny balcony) wondering, "Where do I even start?" Trust me, we’ve all been there, staring at seed packets like they’re written in a foreign language. But don't worry! I've got your back. Whether you’ve got a green thumb or are just trying not to kill your houseplants, this guide will help you get started on the right foot—or should I say, root?

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